The Pootatuck Archers is currently accepting new members. We offer several types of membership:
Social Members have full use of the range, with no obligation to work. The dues for Social Members is $125 per year.
Working Members have full use of the range, but must contribute their time towards the maintenance of the range. The dues for Working Members is $45 per year.
Probationary Working Members are new or former Social Members who wish to become Working Members. During this one-year probationary period, they pay Social Member dues, but participate in range maintenance as Working Members. If they fulfill their obligations, they become Working Members the following year, with no dues for the second year, and only $45 per year thereafter.
Senior Members are those just joining who are 65 years or older. The dues for Seniors is $45 per year.
For an additional $10, members may add their spouse and minor children to their membership. Youth memberships are also available for $10 per year for young people 17 and under, but they must be accompanied at all times on the range by a responsible adult 21 years of age or older.
Click HERE to sign up or renew online with a credit card.
Download application to pay with a check by mail: New Member Application (.PDF)